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Ready to Love Me

I wrote this song upon emerging from a big metaphorical death/rebirth. Through my process I discovered that when we are willing to meet ourselves completely, our shadows and light, to see ourselves as no better and worse than anyone else, there is such grace. Here in this place, we can truly love ourselves. I am so ready.

Heart Wide Open

I wrote this song in three part harmony one afternoon in August 2024 at my dad's home in San Diego. Life had been asking me to stretch my heart beyond what I knew was possible, to stay open even as I grieve loss and make peace with betrayal. This song came as a tender teacher of the way. 


Written by Patty Griffin, this song speaks to me deeply as a woman. This video was taken at Windtree Permaculture Farm in February 2024 when I was singing this song to my sisterfriend who was preparing to embark on the next chapter of her life journey - like a river flowing out to the sea.

Queen of Death

Queen of Death is a song of reverence for the Dark Goddess. I wrote this song at a time when I was making peace with endings in my life. "Queen of Death is calling... to release and trust! To let go and to know when death is best."

Walk Through the Fire

This song is a declaration of empowerment, resiliency and humility. May it serve you well!

After the Winter

A clip of my song “After the Winter” from a recent interview on “The Real Raw with Carrie Arlah - Intimate Conversations With Interesting People.”

This song came to me as I birthed myself out of the darkness, as a reminder of the light towards which I was walking and as a remembrance of the necessity and naturalness of the cycles life and death.

And So It Is

A clip of my song “And So It Is” from a recent interview on “The Real Raw with Carrie Arlah - Intimate Conversations With Interesting People.” I call this my "prayer sealer" song and you'll know why when you hear it.

The Rage

A clip of my song “The Rage” from a recent interview on “The Real Raw with Carrie Arlah - Intimate Conversations With Interesting People.” I wrote this song while in the depths of immense anger and pain. It was cathartic to channel these feelings into this music and to claim the healing power of healthy feminine rage.

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